Amongst all we are ashamed of Self.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Why is it such a big deal that I have guy-friend, whats up with the jealousy trait ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAY OFF !

The worst thing you can do to a girl is be on her back like your her dad. Don't get me wrong us girls like to know that your not passing them up , but when you start to suspect that every guy I make a friend is some type of dude that wants next question is , do you trust me ?

So guys aren't the only one with jealousy issues , oh well your the topic of the day so deal with it !
 Maybe I don't want to be committed anymore or maybe I don't want to be settled down anymore. There are a lot of things I haven't gotten the chance to see and do , but with him SOMETIMES  I feel like I don't need to.

Isn't it creepy when he goes through your phone & starts to bring up conversations with your friends; I'm usually stuck on stupid like how did you know about that. Going through your BF/ GF phone is a sign of trust. If trust isn't there my advice is to move on.

Falling out Of Love

 Have you ever felt as if you had a fairy tale with someone but can't quite put your name on it , well I am in exactly that situation. Each and every day I realize that my love for him is fading && I can't quite tell him because I myself is so complex. It would hurt me to be dumped by him because , well its been so long. I guess time in a relationship is a trophy not the prize. What is the purpose or the prize in a relationship? Why can't we just have fun instead of being so serious? Am I even ready for a relationship ? What about all the things we shared with each-other?  What about our moments?

Space is very important in a relationship. If you see the person your with 24/7 then I guess you'll never feel the same. I suppose that's what happens when your young & experienced. Love dies young.